When you want your event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain and create positive change.


Are you looking for a dynamic speaker that will make your next event a stunning success?  Do you want entertaining and educational training that will leave your attendees raving long after the event?  We've got you covered.

When you hire Greener Pastures Recovery for your conference, company, or church event, you don’t just get a bland, canned presentation. We customize every message specifically for your audience in order to achieve your desired outcomes. We get to know your organization, and your attendees, so that the message creates long-lasting results. Only material that is relevant to your audience is considered.

Greener Pastures Recovery’s straight-from-the-heart delivery, passion and energy, inspires audiences to go beyond their real and perceived limitations… and into step into their God-given potential.  With charisma, warmth and humor, Greener Pastures Recovery, delivers the right message for your unique audience.

As a premier Keynote Speaker, GPR Director/Recovery Coach Bill Orthwein shares his compelling testimony, recovery, and tips on Journaling Your Journey to Discover Your Destiny.  He is a sought-after presenter who translates theory into bottom-line results for his clients. Rest assured, your people will love it. And they will be inspired to achieve more for themselves, your organization and your clients.

Our speaking schedule fills quickly, so we encourage you to contact us so we can set up a 15-minute call to determine if we are a good fit for each other.

Journal Your Journey/Discover Your Destiny

Sooner or later everyone asks, “What is my purpose on this planet?”  The concept of destiny can be confusing. On the one hand, we are responsible for our choices in life.  But on the other hand, each of us has a different set of strengths, talents, aspirations, challenges, chance, and circumstances-uniquely ours-that take us well past  our understanding. 

                                             "Life is for living, we all have to walk that out." 

                       "When we come to the end of ourselves, we are at the beginning of God". 

                                                     "I can't, God can, I think I will let Him".

                                                             "I can't, God can, Please do!"

In this illuminating program, Bill shows you exactly how to Journal Your Journey to gain traction in Recovery, Faith, and Clarity of your God-given purpose.

  • How to increase Fulfillment and Joy
  • Understanding Your Purpose, Passion and Potential
  • How to Live Life in The “Sweet Spot”
  • The 1 Powerful Strategy That Changes EVERYTHING
  • How to Discover Your Voice and Calling 


Download your FREE RESOURCE NOW!

Journal Your Journey...Tips for Rewiring, Retraining Your Brain to Live the Life You Want to Live

This eBook is one of Bill Orthwein's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn:

  • How to Journal Your Journey to less stress and chaos, improved mood, more motivation, clarity, direction, organization, and accountability.
  • How Journaling Your Journey can help transform your subconscious from self-destructive beast to powerful ally thru Neuroplasticity, the rewiring, retraining of your brain.
  • How Journaling Your Journey can create a Life Map of your past, present, and desired future while increasing peace, happiness, productivity, health, and gratitude.

What People Are Saying:

DOC Prison Inmate
Faith Based Personal Development/ InsideOut, Grand Junction, Colorado

"I have known Bill for several years now and I can honestly say that there is nobody besides Jesus Christ that has had a more profound effect on my life than Greener Pastures Recovery and Bill Orthwein.  Bill got me my first job, had me doing a lot of daily tasks to help me in my recovery like keeping a journal where I wrote out my objectives, my achievements, and goals for the future. Bill Orthwein is called of God and his ministry will change your life if you let it."


Mark Pauck
All Things Hydrolic, Detroit, Michigan

"Without Greener Pastures Recovery and Bill in my life, his guidance and friendship, I would not be alive writing this today. He was the backbone of my recovery- it was his constant coaching and follow-up that made the difference. He got me to start writing in a journal. I was skeptical. I am not the “type” of person that journals. But I have so much respect for Bill and his transformation, that I decided to try it. Journaling My Journey, along with constant heartfelt prayer, changed my life. I know that Bill has the skills, will, passion and grace to help change and save other people’s lives. He is truly blessed."


Joadie Griebel
Professional Cleaning/Red Seas Ministries, Glenwood Springs, Colorado

"Bill Orthwein lives and breathes to help other people succeed. He didn't just become a success story and continue with his own life. Bill has dedicated his life to go back and pull others out the fire and help as many people as he can out of drug addiction, alcoholism and brokenness and show them that all things are possible to those who believe! I have seen Bill pursue people, encourage them to move forward regardless of their situation, and because of Bill's influence in their lives they have become some of the most successful people I know today in the community. He would call to continually to encourage me, and push me to not give up. Bill was probably the number one reason why I did not give up and pursued my legal situation and got the victory! Because of that my life is forever changed now."


John Leahy
Co-Owner The Ridge Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center, Cincinnati, Ohio

"Bill Orthwein, Director of Greener Pastures Recovery, has been my Recovery Coach since January of 2022 after leaving The Ridge Ohio Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center, where I am co-owner. His positive influence has made recovery, step work, and conversations of Faith a fun, joyous, and mind altering experience. I would never have thought that possible. Bill's insistence on Journaling My Journey has had a tremendous impact on my getting and keeping traction-another surprise. 270 days later, I am not the same person and am truly living happy, joyous and free."


Mary Himes
Colorado Celebrate Recovery State Representative, Colorado Springs, Colorado

"Bill has done an excellent job in his capacity as State Representative for Celebrate Recovery Inside. He lives in Denver and travels all over the state giving his testimony and recruiting volunteers to go into the prisons and jails to lead CR programs inside, as well as to lead the crucial CR Step Studies. He has exhibited an enthusiasm to reach the hurting and broken that has far exceeded anyone I have ever met. He has such a humble, teachable servant’s heart that is rare to find."


Dan Blankenship
Transportation/CEO Roaring Fork Transportation Authority, Aspen, Colorado

"In the summer of 2016, Bill invited me serve as a volunteer at the Garfield County Jail, to help lead Celebrate Recovery classes (a Christ-Centered 12-Step program) for inmates. With Bill as my mentor and teaching partner, the experience has been very fulfilling for me. Celebrate Recovery classes have helped me to understand that drug and alcohol abuse and addiction are pervasive and play major roles in the behaviors that cause the vast majority of inmates to be incarcerated. Celebrate Recovery provides inmates struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction hope that through the redemptive power that comes through faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, they can ultimately break free of the hurts, hang ups, and habits that have robbed them of the joyful, peaceful, productive, and honorable lives that God has planned for them.

Not content to share the message of hope, healing, restoration, and redemption with just the inmates in the Garfield County Jail, Bill's passion to help others and his commitment to serve Jesus Christ, have inspired him to introduce Celebrate Recovery in prisons, jails and rehabs across Colorado."

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